Ruby Open Uri

Ruby s openuri is an easy to use wrapper for net http net https and net ftp.
Ruby open uri. Ruby open uri 的 open 方法获取 url 时报错 tianshuai 2013年03月25日 最后由 xazaj 回复于 2013年05月30日 8155 次阅读. Require open uri internally patches kernel open leaving you one step away from remote code execution and reading local files. If the first argument responds to the open method open is called on it with the rest of the arguments. I have also come across method naming conflicts open when using it together with other libraries such as bunny gem which also implements open ericc jun 5 15 at 3 28.
Openuri is an easy to use wrapper for net http net https and net ftp. File lib uri common rb line 270 def self. It returns a file object so you should be able to call methods like read and readlines. After loading the module with require it overrides the standard open function so from now on in addition to opening regular files it will be able to open urls as well.
Here are some examples. As far as i know it s the most popular way to read url content make a get request or download a file. Open uri is part of the standard ruby library and it will redefine the behavior of open so that you can open a url as well as a local file. In ruby the open uri modules provides this simplified interface.
Here is an article talking about things one should be aware of when using open uri. Openuri ruby 2 7 2. It is possible to open an http https or ftp url as though it were a file. Join str end open name rest block click to toggle source allows the opening of various resources including uris.